dimanche 31 janvier 2010

This is a blog

I'm sure you know this is a blog. As a comedy writer, I can really write the shit out of things, except for this. In the 90's most blogs were a lot like an online diary. We would write a little review here and there, we would go off on a topic, but a lot of times stuff like this happened. Where we couldn't see the difference between something we would write for ourselves and something we would write for others.

Are we supposed to sit down with an idea when we write a blog? Are we supposed to have an opinion, spell check the thing and go over it a bunch of times? Well, yes. This is why most people don't know I have a blog! Ha!

I do have a whattoexpect blog which deals with pregnancy and mommy issues which is, paycheck obliges, way more coherent, so I guess I can always make people read that. Thing is, after awhile, you start to write on a topic just to not lose your blog job that month and the 20$ that goes with it. So at least this amalgame of poorly-thought out words and we-don't-give-a-shit topics is much less empty.

When I write a comedy routine (guess what I'm supposed to be doing right now), a movie or a television show I write for emotion. And rhythm. And I want to find those moments of truth where people can recognize themselves, each other or simply nod their head in approval.

So I guess I am not only telling you my blog is poorly written but I am also telling you that the off-the-cuff nature of it might, just might make you feel something or relate to me in some way, which, now that I think of it, is totally fucking conceited and probably untrue considering I haven't written that many blogs.


So maybe I should just take a break, go make tomorrow's lunch (tuna casserole, the rugrats have asked for) and count the hours until I have my individual meeting with my director who doesn't super like me and to whom I have to bring a new completed comedy routine I have grabbed out of thin air...

1 commentaire:

  1. I just got the point of blogging. yeah i thought it was about them but fuck them. I blog about what \i find hilarious, which is usually at least 5 years old and what'funny around me. check me out and hope to see your follow!
