Aucun message portant le libellé nanowrimo 2009. Afficher tous les messages
Aucun message portant le libellé nanowrimo 2009. Afficher tous les messages

mardi 24 novembre 2009

Ambition, baby!

Clearly I am insane, as already demonstrated in my real life and all my posts. Even my mother tends to reinforce my point, since she talks to me about stuff like my having the wrong brush for my kids hair... I definitely get it from somewhere.

Anyway, I did have to drop Nano. Although a small part of me wonders how I can't go to school, do outside projects, exercise, eat right, pay bills, be super creative, put on a show and groom and look great all at the same time. I mean, I'm pretty sure my mother could do it. Bitch.

Ok, that was harsh. Sorry mommy!

Anyway, in that life list of stuff I nee to be doing right now, I am doing exactly 1. 2, if you count my grooming (I'm at strict minimum grooming, I wash, but there's no pampering involved).

I keep saying the only way to have the freedom to do what you need to do and the possibility of maybe doing what you want to, you have to be obscenely rich. So that's just another thing on the list of things to put off.

And stuff keeps getting added on to my to-do list without my say-so. My fellow students and I, all adults, have to go talk to the director about a student who's making things difficult for the group. That'll be fun.

mardi 3 novembre 2009

Nanowrimo has kicked off!

And yes, I'm right in the middle of it. Since we don't have to create new numbers every Friday and some of the teachers are slacking on homework, I am using my breaks to write my new book.

I'm not saying I'm going to finish it or that I wouldn't drop it as the first sign of trouble, but right now I need this. I need to train myself to write all the time. And if I'm already sitting down writing, I can always procrastinate by either working on my novel or by working on my homework. It's the perfect fit.

I'm going to write all night Wednesday at a second cup downtown with other wrimos. It'll be great since I'm usually at home trying to write all night (Thursday is an insane day at school)...

I'm about 4 thousand words in, which translates to 15 pages. I find that pretty good, since I've only had two days to work on this. Can I bust 10 thousand words at the write in? Enquiring minds want to know!

On another note, I think I'm going to write a monologue about listening to song lyrics. I don't get it. If one more couple chooses 'every breath you take' as a romantic song to have at your wedding I'm going to hurl.