Our Christmas shows are over, and so are our exams. I had forgotten what exams were like, having not partaken in any since high school. Comedian school has weird exams, like a Creativity exam. In said exam I had to write 'thank you for the knowledge of creativity techniques you're instilled upon me, don't be sad if my answers are wrong because I don't know which names are which techniques. I can and do use them all'.
I think I kicked ass in my 'joke' exam, which I am happy about. I ended up passing my French exam, thank God! I have improv left, and a meeting with the director.
The shows were quite hard. Our best comedian got mono and only did half the shows, and our energy was not as it could have been. I do not have the acting chops to deliver my number as it should be. It was very hard.
Christmas vacation then Disney world on the horizon. More debt to come. Please God let me be talented enough to make lots of money, because I am the only breadwinner for the family.