samedi 24 octobre 2009

Witches, tattoo artists and soccer

What do these three worlds have in common? Me!

I always thought that I'd have my crap together in my thirties. I though by 9 years of marriage my husband would have bought me a real ring. That we'd have life plans, savings, a house.

Well, one out of three ain't bad. So we have a small house. A small house I couldn't renovate enough of because my husband won't work so we have to spend all my money on both my half and his half of the stuff. And we're going in debt again, including to the government who decided to think that I've been skimping on my taxes for 7 years (which I haven't). I don't have all the papers to contest, and I have to concentrate on school, so I'm just letting it go. And by letting it go I mean I'm letting it slowly choke me.

So, I've been waiting to get my three tattoos fixed for at least 10 years. They're bad even for old school tattoos. They're the kind of tattoos a 15-year-old stoned girl would get. A girl who knows she likes tattoos, but has a small budget on account of the drugs she's blowing money on. A girl who only vaguely gets that body art is an investment, because it is, in a small way, an expression of who you are and what you like.

So I found an artists that's good in intricate girly stuff, because I've realized I am definitely a woman, no matter how butchy I can look, and managed to get time with him even though he's booked solid within an hour of a month's schedule opening up. Long story short, I've got one tattoo almost finished, one that's taking up half my back that's at the outline stage and one that is still at the brainstorming stage. Getting tattoos for hours without being stoned is a lot more painful, but since I've gone through childbirth, I have all those handy mind-over-matter lamaze breathing tricks up my sleeve and am doing fine. Hey, I'm even developing a series that takes place in a tattoo parlour. Takes the mind off as Rob's torturing me (I have no doubt that it would feel like torture were it not about the art)...

I also went to see a witch about a some oils. Focus and creativity (I'm not the kind that thinks she can attract something tangible like money with herbs and spells). I find that whether it's a placebo effect, a neuro-association or a honest-to-god result of putting the ingredients together and smelling them, those oils help. Stop by Mélange Magique on St-Catherine in Montreal for anything tea, herb, oil or other occult needs.

We went to watch my husband play soccer today at a tournament. Outside, in the rain, at near freezing temperatures. Oh my god, such a bad idea. It was fun seeing Asian looking people speaking creole (Iles Maurice), but other than that it was quite miserable. Even dressed for the weather. Boubou did like watching for awhile. She loves soccer! However, it was WAYYYY too long with no way to leave. I was practicing being in the moment and tuning into the universe, instead of wishing I was anywhere else and getting mad. I'm getting quite good at being zen.

I even ended up with ideas on my next Friday. A vampire that's gotten fat.

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